Friday, July 19, 2019

Types of Learning Disabilities Essay -- essays papers

Types of Learning Disabilities There are many types of learning disabilities that can hinder a child’s scholastic performance. These include: dyscalculia; dysgraphia; dysphasia; auditory, memory, and processing disability; and dyslexia. Dyslexia is when a person has difficulty translating language to thought or thought to language. This person would have problems with expressive and/or receptive oral and written language; you would see trouble with reading, spelling, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics. If someone was trouble with arithmetic or solving problems, you might suspect they have dyscalculia. A person with this disability has much difficulty solving basic math problems. A writing disorder called dysgraphia causes a person to have difficulty forming letters or writing in a defined space. Most of the time their handwriting is illegible. Dyspraxia interferes with a person’s ability to make controlled and/or coordinated physical reaction to a situation; their reactions may be inappropriate to the situation. Auditory, memory, and processing disabilities cause problems with a person’s ability to remember words or sounds. He or she may experience retrieval failure when trying to remember simple words or sounds; this may be because his or her brain failed to understand the language correctly (Brickley). Even though these disabilities hinder a person’s ability to learn at the same speed as his or her peers, a teacher can accommodate the needs of a person with LD. A person with LD is not stupid, he or she just learns differently. Teaching Strategies Most students diagnosed with a learning disability have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). An IEP is a document that had ... Observation.† Learning Disabilities Online. 7 May 2004 . Male, Mary (2003). Technology for Inclusion: Meeting the Special Needs of All Students. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (1993). â€Å"General Information About Learning Disabilities.† NICHCY. New Rochelle, N.Y. City School District. Learning Disability: A Book of Resources for the Classroom Teacher. New Rochelle: The Schools. Thurlow, Martha, and James Ysseldyke (2002). Including Students with Disabilities in Assessments. Washington, D.C.: National Educations Association. Wood, Judy W (2002). Adapting Instruction to Accommodate Students in Inclusive Settings. Upper Saddle River: Merrill.

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